Sunday 13 April 2014

Astable multivibrator using 555 Timer IC

Components Required:

  1.  555 Timer IC & their datasheet (download here)
  2. Resistor:- 1K, 1M, 100K.
  3. Capacitor:- .1uF(104-Ceramic), 1uF or 2uF (Electrolytic)
  4. 9V battery as a dc power source
  5. Breadboard, Wires, LED.

Circuit description:
Astable multivibrator circuit

Here R3=470ohm or 1K for LED, C1=0.1uF or 0.01uF.
Practical Result:

LED ON time can be calculated using
Thigh = 0.7*(R1+R2)*C2

LED OFF timing can be calculated using
Tlow = 0.7*R2*C2

Total timing can  be calculated using
T = Thigh+ Tlow

Frequency can be calculated using
f = 1/T

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